Author Guidelines
Instructions for authors are compiled based on CSE’s White Paper on Promotion Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 Update.
Journal’s purpose - introduction of original results of theoretical and applied research in the field of economics, finance, management, business, social development of Kazakhstan, Asia and Europe to readers.
The journal accepts for publication original articles, reviews, scientific reports not previously published in scientific journals.
I. Author guidelines for publication
Submission of an article to the journal "Qainar Journal of Social Science" implies that:
- the article has not been previously published in another journal;
- the article is not under consideration in another journal;
- all co-authors agree with the publication of the current version of the article.
Before submitting an article for consideration, make sure that the file (s) contains all the necessary information in English, Kazakh and Russian, the sources of information posted on the figures and tables are indicated, and all quotes are formatted correctly.
Please here you can download a sample on the Title Page which needs to fill out in English, Kazakh, and Russian.
The following elements must be included:
i. Author (s) name
Authors are people who are identified by the scientific group as the main participants in the paper presented and who agreed to take responsibility for their work.
In addition to being accountable for the part of the work an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work.
The journal "Qainar Journal of Social Science" accepts the following criteria for authorship:
- Substantial contributions to study conception and design, data collection, or data analysis and interpretation.
- Preparation of an article or its critical revision in terms of meaningful intellectual content.
- Final approval of the version of the article for publication.
The list of authors does not include people who are not the authors of the article. The names of people who are not authors, but provided other support, are indicated in the "Acknowledgments" section.
In Russian, when specifying the authors of the article, the surname should be indicated before the initials of the name and patronymic (Satybaldin A.A., Kireyeva A.A.).
. In English, when specifying the authors of the article, the format "Name, patronymic initial, surname" (Azimkhan A. Satybaldin, Anel A. Kireyeva) is used. Surnames in English must be indicated in accordance with the foreign passport or as it was indicated in previously published articles. If the author does not have a foreign passport and / or publications, the BSI standard must be used to transliterate the name and surname.
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
ii. Information about author (authors)
This section lists the academic degree, title, position, ORCID ID, Researcher ID, and other regalia. It also contains the e-mail and full postal address of the responsible author.
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages
iii. Author (s) affiliation
Affiliation includes the following data: full official title of the organization, full postal address (including postal code, city and country). Authors are required to indicate all places of work related to the conduct of the study.
If authors from different institutions participated in the preparation of the article, it is necessary to indicate the affiliation of each author to a specific institution using a superscript index.
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
The official title of the institution in the English language is required for the block of information in English.
iv. Article title
The title of the article should be short (no more than 8-10 words) and correspond to the content of the article.
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
The title in English must be spelled out in a good scientific style from the point of view of the English language
v. Abstract
Recommended length of structured abstract in English: 250 words. It is recommended to clearly identify and disclose the following components in the annotation:
1) Introduction;
2) Materials and Methods;
3) Results;
4) Discussion and Conclusions.
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
The given parts of the annotation can be highlighted with appropriate subheadings and the relevant information can be presented in these sections. The annotations should not include the newly introduced terms, abbreviations (except for well-known), references to literature
vi. Key words
5-7 words on the topic of the article. It is desirable that keywords complement the abstract and title of the article.
Rubricator codes.
Specify the codes of the classifications:
State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information code -
JEL Classification Code. Specify at least 3 JEL codes -
Provided in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
vii. Acknowledgements
This section indicates all sources of research funding, as well as acknowledgments to people who participated in the work on the article, but are not its authors. Participation in the work on the article implies recommendations for improving the research, provision of the space for research, departmental control, financial support obtaining, single types of analysis, provision of reagents / patients / animals / other materials for research.
viii. Conflict of interest
Conflicts of interest are conditions under which people have a vested interest that can influence objectivity and impartiality in editorial decisions. Conflicts of interest can be potential or perceived, as well as real. Objectivity can be influenced by personal, political, financial, scientific or religious factors.
The author must notify the editor of a real or potential conflict of interest by including information on the conflict of interest in the appropriate section of the article.
If there is no conflict of interest, the author should also report this, for example: "The author declares no conflict of interests".
ix. Text of the paper
The editors strongly recommend using the f IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)
Review article 5,000-7,000 words, including contents of figures and tables
Research article 3000-5000 words, including contents of figures and tables
The text of the article should be typed in a text editor MS Word (no older than version 2003, with doc or docx extension) using Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced.
Paragraph indentation 1 cm. Document margins - 20 mm.
x. Figures
Figures must be of good quality, suitable for printing.
All figures must have captions. The figure caption must be translated into English.
Figures are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. If there is only one figure in the text, then it is not numbered.
The figure caption includes the serial number of the figure and its title. It is aligned in the center: “Fig. 2. Description of vital processes ".
The period after the figure caption is not put.
of the figure caption translation should be placed after the caption in Russian or Kazakh languages (depending on the language of the article submission).
xi. Tables
Tables must be of good quality and printable. Editable tables are preferred, not scanned or as images.
All tables must have titles. The name of the table must be translated into English.
Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. If there is only one table in the text, then it is not numbered.
The title of the table includes the number of the table and its name
Aligned to the center: “Tab. 2. Description of vital processes ".
No period after the table title
The translation of the table heading should be placed after the table heading in Russian or Kazakh (depending on the language of submission of the article).
xii. Screenshots and photos
Photos, screenshots and other non-drawn illustrations must be uploaded separately in a special section of the form for submitting an article in the form of * .jpeg, * .bmp, * .gif files (* .doc and * .docx - if additional marks are applied to the image). Image resolution must be> 300 dpi Image files must be given a name corresponding to the number of the picture in the text. In the file description, you should separately provide a caption, which should correspond to the name of the photograph placed in the text
xiii. Footnotes
Footnotes are numbered in Arabic numerals, placed page by page. Footnotes can contain: links to anonymous sources on the Internet, links to textbooks, teaching aids, GOSTs, statistical reports, articles in socio-political newspapers and magazines, abstracts, dissertations (if it is not possible to cite articles published as a result of the dissertation research ), author's comments.
xiv. List of references
The journal uses the APA (the American Psychological Association) citation style, which implies a reference to the source in parentheses. In the text, after the in-text citation or paraphrasing of the source text, the author's surname is given in parentheses, followed by a comma and the year of publication of the work.
For example:
Some studies have noted that underdeveloped regions have always lagged behind in terms of socio-economic development and infrastructure development (Glaeser & Maré, 2001).
If it is necessary to refer to several works in one reference, the works should be separated by semicolons.
For example:
Currently, there are many scientific studies aimed at various approaches to analyzing and assessing the level of development of depression in the region (Ferré et al., 2012; Michalek et al., 2012).
At the same time, listing the authors' references as more than 4 is undesirable since this makes it difficult to perceive.
When making a list of references, you should specify the DOI if you can find it (for foreign sources, it is possible to do this in 95% of cases).
In references to articles from journals there must be indicated the year of publication, volume and number of the journal, and page numbers.
Translation of the list of references into English is required. After the description of the Kazakh-language source, an indication of the language of the work is put at the end of the link: (In Kaz.). After the description of the Russian-language source, an indication of the language of the work is placed at the end of the link: (In Russ.).
BSI standard should be used for transliteration of names and surnames of authors, titles of journals.
References to articles from foreign sources:
1Surname, I.O., 2Surname, I.O. (year). Article title. The title of the journal, Volume (Number), 00-00. DOI: 10.13655 / 1.6.1234567.
Monograph references to articles from foreign sources:
With 1-3 authors:
1Surname, I.O., 2Surname, I.O. (the year of publishing). Book title. Reissue number. City: Publishing house.
The title of the journal and the title of monographs and collections are in italics, after the initials there are put dots.
Referencing style of translated links to articles and monographs
In general, the structure of a link to an article looks like this:
Authors (transliteration). [Translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets]. The name of the Russian-language source (transliteration). Output data labeled in English or numeric only. Indication of the language of the article (in Russ.)
In general, the structure of a link to a monograph looks like this:
Authors (transliteration). [Translation of the title of the monograph in square brackets]. Imprint: place of publication in English, if it is an organization, and transliteration, if the publisher has its own name (indicating in English that this is a publisher). Number of pages..
1Familia I.O., 2Familia I.O. [Translation of the title of the article]. Transliteration of the title of the journal = Official title in English. Year; Volume (Number): 00-00. DOI: 0000-0000 (In Russ.)]
References to Internet resources:
Note: it is preferable to provide a link to material from the site that is mentioned in the article. The link to the main page is not informative and does not provide an opportunity to check the information.
The title of the material on the site [site]. Name of the site; 2016 [updated October 19, 2016; cited 2016-10-30.] Available at:
II. How to submit an article
The manuscript of the article is sent to the editor through the online form. The file with the article uploaded into the system must be in Microsoft Word format (have the extension * .doc, * .docx, * .rtf). The cover page is submitted separately at step 4. of the online form.
III. The interaction between journal and author
The editors of the journal are in correspondence with the responsible (contact) author, however, if the team of authors so wishes, letters can be sent to all authors for whom an e-mail address is specified.
All articles submitted to "Qainar Journal of Social Science" journal are preliminary checked by the technical editor of the journal for compliance with the formal requirements. At this stage, the article can be returned to the author (s) for revision with a request to correct errors or add missing data. Also at this stage, the article may be rejected due to inconsistency with its goals of the journal, lack of originality, low scientific value.
After a preliminary check, the editor-in-chief submits the article to the reviewer, indicating the terms of the review. An appropriate notification is sent to the author.
In controversial cases, the editor can involve several specialists in the review process, as well as the editor-in-chief.
With a positive opinion of the reviewer, the article is transferred to the editor for preparation for publication.
When a decision is made to revise the article, the comments and comments of the reviewer are transmitted to the author. The author is given 1 month to eliminate comments. If during this period the author has not notified the editors about the planned actions, the article is removed from the publication queue.
When a decision is made to refuse to publish an article, the corresponding editorial decision is sent to the author.
The final version of the layout is sent to the responsible (contact) author of the article accepted for publication, which the author is obliged to check. A response is expected from the authors within 2 days (48 hours). If there is no response from the author, the layout of the article is considered approved.
IV. Procedure for reconsideration of editorial/reviewer decision
If the author does not agree with the conclusion of the reviewer and / or editor or individual comments, he can challenge the decision. To do this, the author must clearly state his position on the issue under consideration, proving the right to publish the stated idea.
Editors facilitate the re-submission of manuscripts that could potentially be accepted, but were rejected due to the need for significant changes or additional data collection, and are ready to explain in detail what needs to be corrected in the manuscript in order for it to be accepted for publication.
V. Editorial actions in case of detection of plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data
In case of detection of unfair behavior on the part of the author, detection of plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, the editorial board is guided by the rules of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE).
The journal "Qainar Journal of Social Science" under "unfair behavior" explains any actions of a scientist, including improper handling of objects of study or deliberate manipulation of scientific information, in which it ceases to reflect the observed research, as well as the behavior of a scientist that does not correspond to accepted ethical and scientific standards.
Qainar Journal of Social Science does not classify as “unfair behavior” honest mistakes or honest discrepancies in the design, conduct, interpretation or evaluation of research methods or results, or unfair behavior not related to the scientific process.
VI. Correction of errors and revocation of the article
If errors are found in the text of the article that affect its perception, but do not distort the stated research results, they can be corrected by replacing the pdf-file of the article and indicating the error in the article file itself and on the article page on the journal's website.
If errors are found in the text of the article that distort the results of the research, or in the case of plagiarism, the discovery of unscrupulous behavior of the author (s) associated with falsification and / or fabrication of data, the article may be withdrawn. The revocation of an article can be initiated by the editorial board, author, organization, or individual.
The withdrawn article is marked with the sign "Article withdrawn", the article page contains information about the reason for the withdrawal of the article. Information about the revocation of the article is sent to the databases in which the journal is indexed.