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Investigation of Economic and Social Factors Determining Students' Choice of Rental Housing


This study is devoted to analyzing factors influencing students' choice of rental housing in Almaty city, Kazakhstan. The primary attention is paid to changes in the average cost of rent for the period from 2010 to 2020, the number of students, the level of youth employment, the price index for educational and housing services, the level of youth unemployment, the index of the physical volume of the total area of commissioned residential buildings and the cost of living. The study results show that the lowest rental prices were recorded in 2010-2011, followed by significant increases until 2015, driven by increased demand for rental housing. In 2021, rental costs will sharply increase due to the influx of students and migration to Almaty. The increase can also be partly explained by the economic impact of the pandemic, including inflation and changes in the labor market. The number of students studying in Almaty shows significant fluctuations, with a fall in 2011-2012 and an increase from 2016 to 2021. Youth employment rates have also fluctuated, peaking in 2015 and stabilizing in subsequent years. Analysis of the price index for educational and housing services shows a steady increase while the youth unemployment rate is declining. These data indicate a complex relationship between economic and social factors influencing the student rental market in Almaty. Understanding these relationships is essential for developing effective strategies to support students, including measures to ensure housing affordability and improve labor market conditions.

About the Authors

B. A. Sabdenaliyev
International Educational Corporation International Educational Corporation

Bakhtiyar A. Sabdenaliyev – PhD candidate


K. D. Ospanova
University of International Business named after K. Sagadiyev

Kamilla D. Ospanova – student


T. Awwad
Petersburg State Transport University
Russian Federation

Talal Awwad – PhD

Saint Petersburg


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For citations:

Sabdenaliyev B.A., Ospanova K.D., Awwad T. Investigation of Economic and Social Factors Determining Students' Choice of Rental Housing. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2024;3(1):36-49.

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