Main Instruments of Green Financing and Demand Generation in Kazakhstan
The main features of "green" technologies are conservation and enhancement, efficient use of natural resources. Reducing environmental pollution, preserving ecosystems and biodiversity, increasing incomes and employment of the population. it should be noted that the promotion of "green" technologies will ensure the sustainability of the regions, including at the expense of their own economic efficiency. All these factors have a positive impact on the ecological situation of the region. Green technologies were born on the basis of objective prerequisites: as a result of human activity, there was a sharp deterioration in the state of the environment, megacities and industrial zones. In the twentieth century, all spheres of human activity developed at a rapid pace. But with the evolution of modern society, the conflict has escalated between the desire of a person to live with all the possibilities of the city, and the desire of a person-a living being-to be in harmony with nature. Kazakhstan has accumulated good experience in the use of "green" technologies and obtained the first economic results. With their development, the following new concepts have entered our life: "green" investments", green "construction", green "energy, organic agriculture, etc. The widespread introduction of "green" technologies will allow Kazakhstan to enter a new path and ensure balance, as well as ensure the sustainable development of the economy of the regions. This is understandable, because the effective use of the resource can only be ensured by the wider introduction of "green" technologies.
About the Authors
S. R. AbzhalelovaKazakhstan
Sholpan R. Abzhalelova - M.Sc., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics
I. U. Kozhan
Ilyas U. Kozhan - graduate student
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For citations:
Abzhalelova S.R., Kozhan I.U. Main Instruments of Green Financing and Demand Generation in Kazakhstan. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2022;1(4):76-93. (In Russ.)