Directions to overcome gender discrimination in the field of labor and employment in Kazakhstan
Gender discrimination in the labor market remains one of the most significant challenges hindering socio-economic development. In Kazakhstan, despite positive changes in women's rights and their increasing participation in economic activities, a substantial gender pay gap and limited access to leadership positions persist. This study aims to identify the conditions and directions for overcoming gender discrimination in the labor market in Kazakhstan, as well as to develop recommendations for reducing the gender pay gap and improving the position of women in the labor market. The research utilized statistical data from the Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan and international sources, such as the World Bank Gender Data Portal and the UN Gender Statistics Database. The findings indicate that despite significant progress in expanding women's rights and their economic involvement, the gender pay gap and lack of access to leadership positions remain considerable. In 2022, the gender pay gap in Kazakhstan stood at 25.2%, highlighting the need for more active implementation of gender policies and programs supporting women in the professional sphere. To reduce gender inequality in the labor market, Kazakhstan must develop comprehensive measures, including the introduction of quotas for leadership positions, legislative initiatives to eliminate the pay gap, and the promotion of flexible working conditions. Future research could focus on a more in-depth analysis of factors affecting gender inequality in various sectors of Kazakhstan's economy, taking into account regional and sectoral specifics.
About the Authors
A. A. KireyevaKazakhstan
Anel A. Kireyeva – Сand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor
G. Olzhebayeva
Gulbakhyt Olzhebayeva – PhD Candidate
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For citations:
Kireyeva A.A., Olzhebayeva G. Directions to overcome gender discrimination in the field of labor and employment in Kazakhstan. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2024;3(2):38-56. (In Russ.)