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Emotions and cognitive processes in labor activity: the role of emotional intelligence


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the relationship between emotions and reason, as well as the phenomenon of emotional intelligence (furthermore - EI), which combines the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. This paper examines the critical components of emotional intelligence, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, and their impact on the professional environment. A high level of emotional intelligence allows employees to more effectively cope with emotional stress, improve interpersonal relationships, motivate themselves and others, and make informed decisions in stressful situations. The article provides an overview of the main theories of emotions proposed in the context of analytical, cognitive, and domestic psychology, with the aim of expanding the understanding of emotional intelligence. The primary attention is paid to the analysis of theories that consider emotions as a result of physiological reactions or cognitive processes, as well as in the context of social learning and motivation. The critical aspects of the interaction of emotions with perception, motivation, and mental processes, as well as their role in the formation of the integrity of the personality and adaptation to the external environment, are considered. Essential accents are made on analyzing emotional reactions, assessing their significance for the subject, and searching for a connection between emotional states and cognitive activity. The article's conclusions emphasize the importance of EI as a critical factor in understanding emotional reactions, making it an essential element in psychological theory and practice.

About the Authors

Nisar Ahmed Dahri
University Teknologi Malaysia, School of Education

Nisar Ahmed Dahri – PhD, Assistant Professor, Postdoc Research fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Johor Bahru.

Nikita Moskalenko
University of International Business named after K. Sagadiyev

Nikita Moskalenko – Master of Science,



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For citations:

Dahri N.A., Moskalenko N. Emotions and cognitive processes in labor activity: the role of emotional intelligence. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2024;3(3):24-38.

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