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A study of the dynamics of economic stability of West Kazakhstan’s regions and recommendations for its improvement


The economic development of the West Kazakhstan’s regions, despite their significant contribution to the country’s gross regional product, is subject to various risks. To identify the main risks of economic sustainability and justify measures to overcome them, it is necessary to study the dynamics of economic indicators in these regions. The purpose of the article was to study the dynamics of economic stability of the West Kazakhstan’s regions and develop recommendations for its improvement. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: to analyze the dynamics of economic stability based on the main economic indicators, which characterize the scale of the regional economy, its structure, investment volume, research and development work; to identify the risks of achieving economic stability; to determine measures to overcome these risks. The hypothesis was the assumption that achieving economic sustainability for the development of the West Kazakhstan's regions is difficult due to imbalances in their economic structure. The methods of logical, economic and statistical analysis, analogies, comparisons, a systematic approach, generalizations are used. The result of the analysis was the identification of the main risks to the economic stability of the West Kazakhstan’s regions, including the raw material nature of the economy, the low share of the manufacturing industry, insufficient budget provision, and the high vulnerability of the regions to natural disasters. Recommendations were developed to offset the negative impact of the identified risks and increase economic stability in West Kazakhstan’s regions. 

About the Authors

Nailya K. Nurlanova
Institute of Economics MSHE RK

Nailya K. Nurlanova – Doc. Sc. (Econ.), Professor,


Nurgul K. Saparbek
al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Nurgul K. Saparbek – PhD Candidate,



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For citations:

Nurlanova N.K., Saparbek N.K. A study of the dynamics of economic stability of West Kazakhstan’s regions and recommendations for its improvement. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2024;3(3):39-53. (In Russ.)

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