Interpersonal skills: a comparative study of the fitness industry and the technological sector
Today, with the trend of the development of the technical sphere and the increase in the need for the development of a healthy lifestyle, an essential factor when choosing a professional is not only a competent specialist but also a high level of emotional intelligence taken into account, as this is one of the main predictors of effectiveness in working with people for results. This study is relevant since managers of technical specialties directly focus on working with equipment, and the zone of emotional intelligence will be their zone for development; in turn, trainers concentrate on working with people who often hone the skill of emotional intelligence. The goal is to determine the level of differences in emotional intelligence among technical company managers and fitness trainers. The object is the managers of the technical company (TOO KN-Tеl) and fitness trainers (FitnessB). The subject of research is the level of emotional intelligence. The research methodology was composed of the “Emotional Intelligence Test” (N. Hall) and the "EmIn Test". The data collected from the technical company managers and the fitness club trainers were processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 statistical program package. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in the success of both groups, but it manifests itself differently depending on the professional environment. These differences must be considered when developing emotional competence development programs for different professional categories. The results of this work revealed the level of understanding of other people's emotions in both groups, and companies could use it to draw up training programs and events to develop emotional intelligence as a whole and in individual ego zones.
About the Authors
Yelena MusikhinaKazakhstan
Yelena Musikhina – Сand. Sc. (Ped.), Director,
Md.Tota Miah
Md. Tota Miah – PhD Candidate, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences,
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For citations:
Musikhina Ye., Miah M. Interpersonal skills: a comparative study of the fitness industry and the technological sector. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2024;3(3):54-71.