Assessment of the level of development of the economic potential of the regions of Kazakhstan
The aim of the article was to thoroughly analyze the current state of the economy of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and identify problems hindering the intensive development of individual regions and develop recommendations and proposals to overcome them. To achieve this goal, the following indicators were selected: 1) the growth rate of the gross regional product; 2) the growth rate of gross regional product per capita; 3) grouping of regions by the growth rate of GRP per capita; 4) gross value added per employed employee; 5) the share of gross regional product in the GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 6) the rate of income growth of the population. The research was carried out using the following methods: economic analysis and synthesis, statistical-economic, computational-constructive and economic interpretation of statistical data. The primary statistical data have been processed and their final values are presented in tabular form, the grouping of indicators has been carried out and the necessary economic generalizations have been made. The information base of the research was compiled by the data of the "Bureau of National Statistics", the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are classified into groups depending on the growth rate of gross value added, the specific weights of individual regions in the structure of the gross domestic product of the Republic of Kazakhstan are calculated, in order to rank regions by their contribution to the GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The economic factors constraining the development of the economy of individual regions are identified and proposals are given to overcome these barriers. Thus, for the intensive development of both lagging and average regions, it is recommended to improve intersectoral and interregional economic ties between them. In this regard, the problem of insufficient development of industries engaged in harvesting, storage and processing of agricultural products is particularly acute. This issue is especially relevant for the southern and southeastern regions of the country. It is recommended to invest more material, technical and financial resources in the sphere of transportation, storage and processing of the agro-industrial complex.
About the Authors
K. R. HalmurzaevaUnited Kingdom
Kamilakhon R. Halmurzaeva, student, by specialty - «BIS - Business Information System»
A. A. Tagay
Akkhozha A. Tagay, PhD, Associate Professor
A. Dzhanegizova
Aisulu Dzhanegizova, PhD candidate
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For citations:
Halmurzaeva K.R., Tagay A.A., Dzhanegizova A. Assessment of the level of development of the economic potential of the regions of Kazakhstan. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(1):6-22.