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Factor analysis of food security in Kazakhstan


The country's food security is an important component of the national security system and, as such, characterizes the economic stability and political independence of the state, its ability to provide for the elementary primary needs of its citizens without prejudice to national state interests. The purpose of the study based on factor analysis is to provide the state of the food market and justify the economic opportunities for ensuring food security in Kazakhstan. Food supply of the population remains an urgent problem of the socio-economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan, since it must guarantee the population food independence, the availability of food from domestic sources at scientifically sound standards, affordable prices and the amount necessary to ensure normal life. Analyzing the state of the food market and choosing among them the most optimal for providing the population with food products and making effective management decisions is an important tasks in creating a strategy for ensuring the country's food security. Scientific research was carried out on the basis of the AEC management sectors using statistical materials (statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan), and general scientific and private research methods. Based on the comparative Bureau of the National ASPR RK analysis, the main trends in the development of food security in Kazakhstan were identified. In this research work, predictive methods were also used to determine the prospects for the development of food security in Kazakhstan. The study presents the results of the consumption of certain types of agricultural products per capita. The national norms of food consumption were compared with the physiological norms of consumption, and the regional aspect of average per capita consumption was considered in terms of the minimum and maximum volume of consumption. Considering the specialization of the regions, the existing territorial organization of the agro-industrial complex, the optimization of raw material zones of processing enterprises, the emerging shifts in food self-sufficiency, a positive trend in food consumption in the present and future is given. This article provides recommendations for ensuring safe and quality food security.

About the Authors

G. K. Temirova
Al-farabi Kazakh national university

Gaukhartas K. Temirova, PhD candidate


A. A. Sultanaev
Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK

Aidar A. Sultanaev, junior researcher



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For citations:

Temirova G.K., Sultanaev A.A. Factor analysis of food security in Kazakhstan. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(1):23-36. (In Kazakh)

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