The impact of organic products on the population health
The issue of compliance with the principles of organic production becomes relevant: the exclusion of the use of GMO products, their derivatives, chemically synthesized substances, dyes, preservatives, flavors, etc. additives are all to improve the population quality of life and health. The purpose: to assess the current state of the population quality of life and the organic products market, to establish a link between the quality of life and consumption of organic products. The main objectives: to reveal the conditions for the development of organic production in Kazakhstan; to establish the dependence of the level of public health quality on healthy organic products; to identify ways to improve the quality of food and meet the needs of Kazakhstan population in organic products. The object of the study is the organic products market of world's main producers. The subject is the impact of organic products on the population health. Research methods. The authors of the article used such methods as economic and statistical and graphical methods. Results. The study analyzes the dynamics of the quality of life index, the health index, trade turnover and producers of organic products. Conclusion. Based on the conducted research, it is necessary: to intensify work with the population to explain the benefits of organic products to maintain the physical health of each family member; to continue work on stimulating producers of organic products to enter a wide domestic and foreign market; to settle the issue of regulatory support for organic production (standardization, certification of products).
About the Authors
G. T. SiximbayevaKazakhstan
Gaukhar T. Siximbayeva, PhD candidate
S. M. Akhtayeva
Saule M. Akhtayeva, PhD candidate
K. O. Shayakhmetova
Kulshariya O. Shayakhmetova, doctor in economics, professor
A. A. Shynybayev
Abilkhair A. Shynybayev, master
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For citations:
Siximbayeva G.T., Akhtayeva S.M., Shayakhmetova K.O., Shynybayev A.A. The impact of organic products on the population health. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(1):55-72. (In Kazakh)