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Introduction of digital technologies in the food industry of Kazakhstan


   The food industry can be attributed to one of the most popular industries for attracting investments. One of the most important tasks facing the country in matters of digitalization and control of the country's food security are the task of introducing digital technologies into the food industry. If we look at the results of the general marketing analysis, we can see that the food retail market in Kazakhstan is insufficiently developed. In case of attracting investments necessary for the modernization of production and the use of new technologies, food production will also improve. Due to the incomplete development of production and processing of agricultural products in the country, the share of imports far exceeds the share of exports. Even in the food industry, despite the presence of an export-oriented movement, there is a predominance. Innovations leading to digitalization achievements in the direction of transition to an electronic platform, information exchange data using a scanning code that allows you to find out food prices and all relevant information in the country are also considered. Therefore, at present, recommendations and studies have been given that domestic food consumption is not sufficiently provided with domestic products to consider their priority areas.

About the Authors

M. Yerenkhan
Alikhan Bokeikhan university EI

Manshuk Yerenkhan, PhD сandidate


A. A. Satmurzaev
Kainar Academy

Assan A. Satmurzaev, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor


A. M. Jumabayeva
NJSC Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Aigul M. Jumabayeva, Mr. Sc. (Econ.), Senior Lecturer


A. Z. Nurpeisova
Alikhan Bokeikhan university EI

Assem Z. Nurpeisova, Mr. Sc. (Econ.), Senior Lecturer



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For citations:

Yerenkhan M., Satmurzaev A.A., Jumabayeva A.M., Nurpeisova A.Z. Introduction of digital technologies in the food industry of Kazakhstan. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(2):6-18. (In Kazakh)

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