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Theories and concepts of gender inequality in the distribution of resources


   The purpose of the study is an analytical review of the main theories and the concept of gender inequality in the distribution of resources.

   Low-wage and short-term wage labour in the economy is often the only option for women (to a greater extent than for men), which leads to poverty in the population, especially in rural areas. The authors revealed that the consequences of Covid-19 and the ongoing geopolitical events, which had a negative impact on socio-economic development, also had a special impact. Thus, the problem of population poverty, especially in rural settlements, is relevant today both at the domestic and global levels. To achieve the goal, a review of the literature on the issues of the research issue, gender approaches in the decision-making process and an overview of the types and factors contributing to the unequal distribution of resources are used. As a result of the literature review, it was revealed that the causes of poverty in rural areas and labour migration are due to spatial inequality, which refers to inequality between urban and rural areas. In addition, there is a gender aspect of the problem between poverty and labour migration, i.e. women mostly accept low-paid work in the informal sector, which does not always mean an improvement in their situation. The reason for the poverty of women in rural areas is associated with their weaker position compared to men. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies and programs to improve the socio-economic situation of the population, especially women.

About the Authors

A. A. Kireyeva
Institute of Economics MSHE RK

Anel A. Kireyeva, Сand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor


N. A. Abilkaiyr
al-Farabi Kazakh National university

Nazerke A. Abilkaiyr, PhD candidate


G. K. Kenzhegulova
NARXOZ University

Gaukhar K. Kenzhegulova, PhD candidate



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For citations:

Kireyeva A.A., Abilkaiyr N.A., Kenzhegulova G.K. Theories and concepts of gender inequality in the distribution of resources. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(2):18-30.

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