Environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the regions
The dynamic development of the world economy, the change of technological patterns, the search for highly efficient ways of doing business to maximize accounting and satisfaction of the economic benefits of society have actualized the problems of irrational nature management, predatory attitude to natural resources, as well as manmade accidents and catastrophes, which have become more frequent in recent years, accidents cause irreparable damage to the environmental safety of territories and regions. In this regard information efficiency, and environmental safety in the 21st century is recognized as one of the main factors ensuring the sustainable development of the region. The socio-ecological principles of the World Bank, the UN Green Economy Concept, the European Green Course Program, the Strategy 2050 for Environmental Safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other important provisions indicate that the problem of ensuring environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the region is not national, but international, global. The consequences of climate crises, weather anomalies, man-made accidents and catastrophes carry threats and risks for the entire planet, which confirms the importance of taking into account the environmental component to achieve sustainable development goals. The necessity of applying the criterion "safety-stability" is shown. Therefore, the study suggests the factors for ensuring environmental safety in a closed-cycle economy and the principles of its implementation.
About the Authors
N. K. SaparbekKazakhstan
Nurgul K. Saparbek, PhD candidate
M. S. Bekturganova
Makpal S. Bekturganova, PhD, Leading Researcher
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For citations:
Saparbek N.K., Bekturganova M.S. Environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the regions. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(2):31-44. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.58732/2958-7212-2023-2-32-45