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Animal disease and its impact on the ecological environment and public health


   For centuries, people have recognized the importance and engaged in ensuring interaction between the spheres of health, animal husbandry and environmental protection. About 20 years ago, the concept of "Unified Health" appeared, suggesting a holistic and intersectoral approach to the development and implementation of programs to ensure human health, as well as programs that affect animal health and the environment. The relevance of the study of animal diseases and the impact on the ecological environment and the health of the population is beyond doubt. Moreover, the problems of epidemics in protected areas with wild animals, which also cause serious impacts not only on the environment (pastures, lands, aquatic environment), but also the population can suffer – a risk to human health. The main environmental threats to human health in relatively prosperous countries are polluted air, noise and exposure to toxic substances. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to prove a direct relationship between the disease and environmental pollution, such cases can be found in every country. Many of the factors that determine the development of diseases can be reduced or prevented through government regulation and information campaigns among the population. Numerous studies have also shown that the loss of biodiversity increases the risk of infectious diseases among animals, as well as the risk of their transmission to humans. While broad biodiversity reduces the transmission rate of pathogens and, consequently, the risk of diseases for humans, wild animals, livestock and plants.

About the Authors

S. Sh. Lapbaeva
Kainar Academy

Sanimkul Sh. Lapbaeva, Сand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor


M. Isik
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University; Şükran tribe solidarity assistance and development association

Musa Isik, honorary professor




N. S. Shmanova
Kainar Academy

Nurgul S. Shmanova, Mr. Sc. (Econ), Senior Lecturer



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For citations:

Lapbaeva S.Sh., Isik M., Shmanova N.S. Animal disease and its impact on the ecological environment and public health. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(2):61-75.

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