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«Big Data» technology in the digital transformation of the economy


   The authors aimed to investigate the essence and fundamentals of the functioning of "Big Data" in the digital economy and the features of successful use of "Big Data" technology by enterprises as a new economic resource. "Big Data" is presented by the authors as a new economic resource and digital technology, which allow by solving a priority task, i. e. the allocation at the conceptual level of research of the most significant factors (resources) that determine the organizational potential for the use of big data. The article emphasizes that in the ordinary sense, the term "big data" is simply associated with a large amount of information. However, the study of the reasons why companies decide to invest in big data projects shows that the main motivating factor for them is not a large amount of data as such, but their diversity, which allows obtaining quantitative and qualitative information about a complex (complex) system of material and non-material factors of a modern company. The authors state that the expected information revolution consists in the way we analyze business and justify management decisions, and it is due not just to an exponential, avalanche-like growth in the volume of big data, but to the emergence of a new quality of information as a result of such growth - information that analysts could not even dream of ten years ago. The problematic materials of the article are presented as follows: first, the analysis of publications necessary to determine the content of the concept of "big data" is given, and positive and normative models of big data are highlighted. Further, on the basis of a resource-oriented approach and based on the results of an empirical study of foreign leading companies in the implementation of big data projects, a conceptual model of intra-company factors determining the organizational potential of using big data is being developed. As a result, recommendations are formulated for domestic companies implementing or making decisions about projects using big data.

About the Authors

A. A. Tagay
Kainar Academy

Akkhozha A. Tagay, Сand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor


K. Sh. Syzdykova
Kainar Academy

Kulyash Sh. Syzdykova, Сand. Sc. (Econ.), Professor


K. R. Halmurzaeva
University of Westminster
United Kingdom

Kamilakhon R. Halmurzaeva, Bch. student



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For citations:

Tagay A.A., Syzdykova K.Sh., Halmurzaeva K.R. «Big Data» technology in the digital transformation of the economy. Qainar Journal of Social Science. 2023;2(2):76-94. (In Kazakh)

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