The food industry can be attributed to one of the most popular industries for attracting investments. One of the most important tasks facing the country in matters of digitalization and control of the country's food security are the task of introducing digital technologies into the food industry. If we look at the results of the general marketing analysis, we can see that the food retail market in Kazakhstan is insufficiently developed. In case of attracting investments necessary for the modernization of production and the use of new technologies, food production will also improve. Due to the incomplete development of production and processing of agricultural products in the country, the share of imports far exceeds the share of exports. Even in the food industry, despite the presence of an export-oriented movement, there is a predominance. Innovations leading to digitalization achievements in the direction of transition to an electronic platform, information exchange data using a scanning code that allows you to find out food prices and all relevant information in the country are also considered. Therefore, at present, recommendations and studies have been given that domestic food consumption is not sufficiently provided with domestic products to consider their priority areas.
The purpose of the study is an analytical review of the main theories and the concept of gender inequality in the distribution of resources.
Low-wage and short-term wage labour in the economy is often the only option for women (to a greater extent than for men), which leads to poverty in the population, especially in rural areas. The authors revealed that the consequences of Covid-19 and the ongoing geopolitical events, which had a negative impact on socio-economic development, also had a special impact. Thus, the problem of population poverty, especially in rural settlements, is relevant today both at the domestic and global levels. To achieve the goal, a review of the literature on the issues of the research issue, gender approaches in the decision-making process and an overview of the types and factors contributing to the unequal distribution of resources are used. As a result of the literature review, it was revealed that the causes of poverty in rural areas and labour migration are due to spatial inequality, which refers to inequality between urban and rural areas. In addition, there is a gender aspect of the problem between poverty and labour migration, i.e. women mostly accept low-paid work in the informal sector, which does not always mean an improvement in their situation. The reason for the poverty of women in rural areas is associated with their weaker position compared to men. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies and programs to improve the socio-economic situation of the population, especially women.
The dynamic development of the world economy, the change of technological patterns, the search for highly efficient ways of doing business to maximize accounting and satisfaction of the economic benefits of society have actualized the problems of irrational nature management, predatory attitude to natural resources, as well as manmade accidents and catastrophes, which have become more frequent in recent years, accidents cause irreparable damage to the environmental safety of territories and regions. In this regard information efficiency, and environmental safety in the 21st century is recognized as one of the main factors ensuring the sustainable development of the region. The socio-ecological principles of the World Bank, the UN Green Economy Concept, the European Green Course Program, the Strategy 2050 for Environmental Safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other important provisions indicate that the problem of ensuring environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the region is not national, but international, global. The consequences of climate crises, weather anomalies, man-made accidents and catastrophes carry threats and risks for the entire planet, which confirms the importance of taking into account the environmental component to achieve sustainable development goals. The necessity of applying the criterion "safety-stability" is shown. Therefore, the study suggests the factors for ensuring environmental safety in a closed-cycle economy and the principles of its implementation.
The paper examines the transformations taking place in the financial sector that are caused by modern problems and opportunities of the entire industry, whether it concerns insurance, retail, banking or other financial services. At the same time, there are a number of specific tasks in each of these segments of the financial industry, depending on the level of maturity of digital transformation, the customer base, including the use of digital channels, new data warehouses, advanced analytics and the degree of digitization of these processes.
The purpose of the study is to summarize the state of development of digital transformation, the experience of digitalization of the banking system, to identify problems and ways to overcome them.
Special attention is paid to the current state and prospects for the development of innovative technologies in the banking sector of the economy of Kazakhstan. The methodology of the research was based on the study of the works of foreign and domestic authors using the method of systematic and comparative analysis, the method of statistical data processing, theoretical generalization of the sources studied. The modern digital banking system combines the advantages of two components: a new approach to customer service and the introduction of an effective operating model – both factors are incorporated by digitizing basic technologies, processes and structures. From the outside, customers benefit from price benefits with increased transparency and comparability of results. The findings of the study show how banks respond to these challenges and needs by providing immediate, high-quality interaction, and transactions are executed quickly and reliably.
For centuries, people have recognized the importance and engaged in ensuring interaction between the spheres of health, animal husbandry and environmental protection. About 20 years ago, the concept of "Unified Health" appeared, suggesting a holistic and intersectoral approach to the development and implementation of programs to ensure human health, as well as programs that affect animal health and the environment. The relevance of the study of animal diseases and the impact on the ecological environment and the health of the population is beyond doubt. Moreover, the problems of epidemics in protected areas with wild animals, which also cause serious impacts not only on the environment (pastures, lands, aquatic environment), but also the population can suffer – a risk to human health. The main environmental threats to human health in relatively prosperous countries are polluted air, noise and exposure to toxic substances. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to prove a direct relationship between the disease and environmental pollution, such cases can be found in every country. Many of the factors that determine the development of diseases can be reduced or prevented through government regulation and information campaigns among the population. Numerous studies have also shown that the loss of biodiversity increases the risk of infectious diseases among animals, as well as the risk of their transmission to humans. While broad biodiversity reduces the transmission rate of pathogens and, consequently, the risk of diseases for humans, wild animals, livestock and plants.
The authors aimed to investigate the essence and fundamentals of the functioning of "Big Data" in the digital economy and the features of successful use of "Big Data" technology by enterprises as a new economic resource. "Big Data" is presented by the authors as a new economic resource and digital technology, which allow by solving a priority task, i. e. the allocation at the conceptual level of research of the most significant factors (resources) that determine the organizational potential for the use of big data. The article emphasizes that in the ordinary sense, the term "big data" is simply associated with a large amount of information. However, the study of the reasons why companies decide to invest in big data projects shows that the main motivating factor for them is not a large amount of data as such, but their diversity, which allows obtaining quantitative and qualitative information about a complex (complex) system of material and non-material factors of a modern company. The authors state that the expected information revolution consists in the way we analyze business and justify management decisions, and it is due not just to an exponential, avalanche-like growth in the volume of big data, but to the emergence of a new quality of information as a result of such growth - information that analysts could not even dream of ten years ago. The problematic materials of the article are presented as follows: first, the analysis of publications necessary to determine the content of the concept of "big data" is given, and positive and normative models of big data are highlighted. Further, on the basis of a resource-oriented approach and based on the results of an empirical study of foreign leading companies in the implementation of big data projects, a conceptual model of intra-company factors determining the organizational potential of using big data is being developed. As a result, recommendations are formulated for domestic companies implementing or making decisions about projects using big data.
ISSN 2958-7220 (Online)